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Εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα: Living map of Europe
Θεατρική σκηνή



Εθνική ετικέτα ποιότητας


Το project με την Εθνική και την Ευρωπαϊκή ετικέτα ποιότητας (Quality Label), η οποία απονέμεται στους καθηγητές που έχουν διεξάγει άριστα έργα eTwinning.







Βρίσκεστε: Αρχική σελίδα > Δραστηριότητες > Principles of fame

Principles of fame: famous people of my country that made a positive contribution to the world


Founding Schools


7th Primary School of Agii Anargiri, Greece (Ms Thalia Hadzigiannoglou)
Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Nr.4 Nr.5 Gheorghe Magheru, Caracal, Romania (Mr Dan Nicolaita)


Partner Schools


"Demetrion" B Primary School of Pafos, Paphos, Cyprus (Mr Nikolaos Lekkos)

Zespół Szkół nr 3 Dąbrowa Górnicza, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland (Magdalena Kucharczyk)
Battonyai Szent István Általános Iskola, Battonya, Hungary (Ms Orsolya Lengyel)

Szko³a Podstawowa nr 24 im. Jana Marcina Szancera, Czκstochowa, Poland (Ms Beata Janus-Lewczyρska)
Ojāra Vācieša Gaujienas vidusskola, Gaujiena, Latvia (Ms Ingrida Tāraude-Šakova)


It is important for our culture that children mature into altruistic adults who are able and willing to contribute their share and beyond for the common good. Thus, using ICT, we will attempt to make our students realise that in all areas of human endevour, famous people have shaped our understanding and practice of the field.


Objectives (Bloom’s taxonomy):


Students will:

  • Improve their native as well as foreign language skills.

  • Learn about famous people in other European countries.

  • Identify the principles of fame for people who contributed positively to the society.


Students will:

  • Develop a positive stance towards ICT, native as well as EFL language.

  • Value personality traits that contribute to the common good.

  • Be open to the introduction of the European dimension within the school setting.


Students will:

  • Develop their ICT and artistic skills.



The steps descibed below will be used for the project implementation:

  • In groups or in pairs students think about an area they have a fascination for (eg. music, sports). Alternatively, an interest inventory might be used.

  • Students create concept maps of people they belong to their favourite area.

  • They select one person to write about.

  • They make a beautiful word cloud with the names of people they are going to work with.

  • Students search the Internet to collect information about the person they selected.

  • Students use a specially developed graphic organizer to depict information about the person.

  • Students complete a puzzle mural that lists the principles of fame in the shape of puzzle pieces. On each puzzle piece, students write examples of the principle from the famous person’s life.

  • Students make a slide show presentation of their work.



  • Computer

  • Camera

  • Worksheets

  • Puzzle Mural



The project evaluation will be based on Kirkpatrick’s model.

Students will be given a questionnaire aiming at providing answers to the following questions:

  • Did they like the project? (Reactions)

  • What did they learn? (Learning)

  • Will they use what they learnt? (Transfer of knowledge)

  • Will they change? What is the impact to the school setting? (Result)

  • ROI (Return on Investment). How will the school benefit from the students’ involvement in the project?

